Harlem Little League is an excellent example of the principle of “Ujima” (Collective Work and Responsibility). Harlem Little League is an all-volunteer organization. Without the help of parents and volunteers, there is no Harlem Little League. We rely on the generous support of family, friends and community members to keep our league strong and thriving.
Volunteers fill many roles — from our Board of Directors, to team managers, coaches and team parents — and we invite you to share your talents with our community! Learn more about our volunteer support roles here. As a chartered member of Little League Baseball, all our volunteers are required to pass a background check each year. The purpose of these background checks is to protect our children by providing as safe an environment as possible. Therefore, failure to complete and submit the volunteer application form by those required to do so will result in that person being barred from participation in Harlem Little League.
ALL volunteers are required to submit a form each season. Even if you were cleared to volunteer in 2024, you must complete a new form for Spring 2025. Do not submit forms from year's past. If you complete the wrong form, you will be asked to resubmit. All new volunteers will be asked to provide a copy of a government-issued photo ID as well as their social security number to facilitate the background check process. Failure to do so will result in a delay in processing your application.
The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League program continues to be paramount, and it is on all of us to do our part to provide a fun, memorable, and safe experience each year. All volunteers must complete an annual safety training and present a certificate of completion in addition to complying with our annual background check requirement. With the requirement of all volunteers to complete Abuse Awareness training each year, Little League is proud to announce the launch of the new Little League Abuse Awareness Course.
This course, which serves as a replacement for the programs previously available through third-party organizations like USA Baseball, is available annually beginning 10/1, and is custom to the Little League program and provides an easier learning experience for our volunteers. Required to be completed by all volunteers each year, this course is available as part of the training and education courses at LittleLeague.org/Training, making signing up for the course even easier for our volunteers. Certificates from USA Baseball Abuse Awareness Training will not be accepted.
The training takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. You can access the training documents via this link. When you have received your certificate of completion, please send it to [email protected].
Direct all questions and email all forms to [email protected]. All information submitted is kept confidential. Should you have any concerns, reach out to our president, Stephanie Washington, at [email protected].
Important note: Incomplete forms will not be processed. Background checks CANNOT be left until the last minute. Background checks take several days to process. Volunteers who wish to be on the field for any given weekend must remit their volunteer form and identification no later than noon the Wednesday preceding.
Direct all questions and email all forms to [email protected]. All information submitted is kept confidential. Should you have any concerns, reach out to our president, Stephanie Washington, at [email protected].
Fill out this form to begin the volunteer process: